
Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Remember my last post about Euclid of Alexandria? Heres another mathematician Heron or Heron of Alexandria.(Theres a strong relation between Mathematics and Alexandria!) You have often come across this formula for the area of a triangle.
 T = sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}
Here, s is the semiperimeter (half of the total perimeter) which can be derived by


where a, b and c are the three sides of the triangle.

A triangle with three sides a,b and c

This formula is mainly used in case of scalene triangles as the area of equilateral triangle can be easily derived by (3^1/2 a^2)/4 [The root sign could not be helped much by my keyboard.In case,its problematic to understand,the formula reads (root over three * a square) divided by 4.  and that of an isosceles triangle can be derived by using the Pythagorean theorem.

Photo Credit : Wikipedia
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All That Comes To Mind 8

I have gone Bryan Adams crazy from the middle of last week and I am so addicted to his voice that I am feeling down unless I am allowing myself to listen.I had written about the Bare Bones tour and listed some favourites here. But the song I am literally in love with right now is Cuts Like a Knife.The lyrics are not so special but the tune and the voice and the instrumentals are.Back to you is nice too,especially the instrumentals and tune.I have never been a huge fan of the Bryan Adams Lyrics - looks average to me.(Okay.I have my perspectives and they differ from the main stream popular culture - I have told that earlier.)

Isnt that visually appealing? 

I am sort of upset regarding the politics going around in the world,something that happens to me rarely.Its not about loosing hope,its about the little requirement of some incitement from fellow leftist friends or our "Comrades".Whatever is going on is not right.Open Economy would never do it,but I dont know how we would ever succeed about detangling the endless webs of imperialism in the third world - I simply do not know which theory would work.If there has to be about a million different ideologies under left-wing,it will simply bring us nothing,lead us nowhere.We ought to get something collective enough to help us out - that the basic ideology has to be to remove capitalism and that is the one and only key to liberty - complete,overall liberty.

Is This What You Want?

A Sad State of Freedom by Nazim Hikmet (One of my most favourite poets) is the poem that comes to mind right now.Sometimes I wonder if Turkey deserved as huge a sinner as Erdoğan.The only thing that is able to instill a few rays of hope in my mind about Turkey is that the Communist perspective is fully alive in their youth and I have doubts if you can dominate the majority for eternity.If evil has rise,then evil definitely has to have its end.Here is the poem.

A Sad State Of Freedom

By Nazim Hikmet

You waste the attention of your eyes,
the glittering labour of your hands,
and knead the dough enough for dozens of loaves
of which youll taste not a morsel;
you are free to slave for others--
you are free to make the rich richer.

The moment youre born
they plant around you
mills that grind lies
lies to last you a lifetime.
You keep thinking in your great freedom
a finger on your temple
free to have a free conscience.

Your head bent as if half-cut from the nape,
your arms long, hanging,
your saunter about in your great freedom:
youre free
with the freedom of being unemployed.

You love your country
as the nearest, most precious thing to you.
But one day, for example,
they may endorse it over to America,
and you, too, with your great freedom--
you have the freedom to become an air-base.

You may proclaim that one must live
not as a tool, a number or a link
but as a human being--
then at once they handcuff your wrists.
You are free to be arrested, imprisoned
and even hanged.

Theres neither an iron, wooden
nor a tulle curtain
in your life;
theres no need to choose freedom:
you are free.
But this kind of freedom

is a sad affair under the stars.

I want to get a full collection of Nazim Hikmet with me.Be it love poems or that regarding revolution or anything else,I am always impressed by his works.Its just that I feel a rush of emotions when I think of him,red and Turkeys condition right now.Do I even need to mention my hostility towards our protectors,masters or lords and who knows what not.I have a serious issue with Englands polity as well (and now I do realise the true meaning of The Post War Dreams) - to be specific,on the Israel and Gaza issue.I am going to post this and about what is actually United Kingdom and what these born imperialists did to Ireland and Scotland previously,what actually these fundamentalists are under the disguise of Christian reformists called Protestants.

I am not at in a mood to watch a movie at all.I just want some lonely time and it just has rained here,relieving us from a very humid condition that had prevailed for a day or two before.I hope you all are having a thoughtful and nice weekend after a tiring week of some serious work.I know I have been negative in this post,but dont you think it has protest in almost every approach?Let your perspectives flourish rather than accentuating them within confined limits.Thanks for reading the blog.

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IOPS International Organisation for a Participatory Society and My Experience

I have been a member of IOPS (International Organisation for a Participatory Society) from April,2014 when a fellow member and Facebook friend (Thanks,Eugena.) asked me to join along with providing me a detailed description of what IOPS actually is.I joined immediately as I was quite impressed by the basic ideas so expressed.


IOPS is basically a centre-left wing to left-wing international organisation that aims to bring considerable change in society all over the world.It consists of a group of administrators including people who have had experiences of social work in Asia.

(Note that - This is my personal explanation of what IOPS is.For the theoretical,formal version,please head to the Mission and Vision page by visiting this link -

The Artistic Side of IOPS (Great,right?)


Well,you can join IOPS if you dream of a real change in society and want to be a part of it.IOPS has got a good hold in European countries and in USA where they have organised book fairs,demonstrations and protests.In India,we really require more hold of the matter,since we have only 66 members right now.So,if you have liberal,socialist or communist viewpoints of analysing a society(basically anything opposing Capitalism),then you can join IOPS.

IOPS Creations


There are several social and political activists in the list and let me highlight it when I write the next sentence because our most famous and influential member is Noam Chomsky.

Indeed worth fighting for IOPS


I am explaining this on my personal viewpoint.Have you ever dreamed of a change,a change for good? Or ever tried to think what world socialism would be like? IOPS will give you a little firmness in such thoughts.We are not extremely famous and powerful but we surely aim to take hold some day (we do not intend to be famous uselessly).

                                           One of the intelligent works by our artists


Well,I certainly emphasise in getting more radical and getting more serious than we are right now.In Asia and Africa,we need to get rid of capitalism and that cannot happen unless we take strong steps,something more,much more than holding street demonstrations.
Their behaviour to me has been really nice,especially the current admin,Johannes is great.I am on the extreme left-wing and I can say they have big tent approach towards all the more radical sectors beginning from Liberals and Anarchists.So,if you do oppose Capitalism,you have a place among us.

If you have any other questions,feel free to ask
Disclaimer - The Images used here belong to IOPS.

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Botanical Flypaper

The tiny insect in the photo above, just a couple of millimetres long, is doomed. Its body and wings are held fast by the sticky leaf hairs of.....
.... this plant, a butterwort Pinguicula moranensis that originates from Guatemala and Mexico. Like all butterworts, it captures small insects on its leaf surface and then, when they die of exhaustion, slowly digests them.
Almost the whole of the plant surface is covered with these minute stalked hairs, of varying heights for maximum trapping efficiency,each tipped with a droplet of sticky mucilage.
Seen here at higher magnification and in side view, each bottle-shaped hair is composed of a single cell rising from one of the surface epidermal cells, topped with a glandular cap that at higher magnification still...
... is revealed to be made up of eight separate secretory cells, each shaped like a slice of cake, perched on the top of the stalk. Meanwhile, down below and embedded in the leaf surface.......
... theres a different kind of gland, seen here in surface view amongst the jigsaw puzzle-shaped epidermal cells of the leaf. Each leaf upper surface is studded with hundreds of these glands. Once and insect is trapped the glands nearby........
..... like this one, seen here in side view at higher magnification, secrete digestive enzymes. When the insect finally dies....
... it collapses into the pool of digestive enzymes and is slowly dissolved, until only its outer chitin exoskeleton remains, like a ghost of the plants victim. Then the plant absorbs the resultant soup, rich in the essential nitrogen thats lacking in this carnivorous plants boggy habitat. However, not all insects succumb so easily. The plants in my conservatory almost always host...
... small colonies of to these tiny aphids. Even though they are held fast, they can still use their piecing mouthparts to puncture the plants cells and feed, and survive long enough to produce the next generation of young, which are born by virgin birth (parthenogenesis) without the need for mating.  If you double-click on this image for a larger view youll see a pair of minute claws at the tip of each aphid leg. On most host plants these would allow the aphid to grip the plant surface and walk, but the epidermal cells of butterwort are so smooth and slippery that the claws cannot grip. If you watch under a microscope, you can see the claws simply sliding over the plant surface, so the anchored aphid can do nothing other than feed and breed before it eventually dies, leaving a ghostly shell and a clone of itself behind.

Butterworts flypaper-like properties make them very useful plants to grow if you are troubled by the tiny mushroom flies that emerge from potting composts - a single plant will trap and kill scores of them.
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[ The questions asked by Yaksha to Yudhishthira (Dharma) regarding religious problems, are one of the salient features of Mahabharata. Here is given the short story with full list of the questions and answers, for the benefit of the readers of our Shri Sai Leela Magazine. —Editor ]

After leaving Kamyaka forest, the Pandavas again returned to Dwaita forest. There, in order to catch a deer which had run away with the piece of wood used by a Brahmin in the sacrificial processes, and which was a necessity for him, the Pandavas, on being requested by him, took each his bow and arrow and went into deep forest. While traversing the length and breadth of the forest, they could not come upon the swiftest deer. Tired and thirsty, they searched for some water source. Dharma, resting under a tree with his brothers, sent Nakula to the lake which was seen from the tree-top. Nakula was to bring water for all the brothers. Proceeding to the precincts of the lake, he reached down for having a sip of the waters when from the space, a voice announced " Oh, Nakula ! Do not make haste. This lake is belonging to me. You have first to answer my questions fully and correctly and then only you can drink of these pure waters. " Nakula however neglected the warning and drank the water. No sooner did he take one sip, than he fell lifeless on the bank.

After awaiting his return for some time, Dharma directed Sahadeva, Arjuna and Bheema by turns as the former did not return in time, but unfortunately, all the four brothers did not pay heed to the warning of Yaksha and all were dead.

Dharma, waiting for long minutes, himself ran down to the lake and to his great sorrow, saw the bodies of his dear brothers lying motionless on the bank. He wondered and went nearer the bank. The Yakshas warning echoed again. " Oh Dharma ! I am a crane ! This is my lake. First answer my questions satisfactorily and take a sip, otherwise, be dead just as your brothers. "

Dharma was knowing the nuances of religion. Before taking benefit of anybodys property, one has to fulfil certain conditions and take his permission. One cannot trespass and usurp anybody of his ownership or possession. Dharma was very polite, He said, " You do not seem to be a bird. You must be an angel of some high order like Rudra, Vasu or Marut (The angles of Fire, Earth or Air). Please let me have your Darshan. I will try to answer your questions according to my ability.

Yaksha was waiting for such a man. He asked Dharma many questions and Dharma replied all :


Question : What makes the Sun rise ?

Answer : Brahman.

Q — Who are His companions ?

A — Hosts of Devas.

Q — Who makes the Sun set ?

A — Dharma- The Universal Law.

Q — In what is the Sun established ?

A — In Truth.

Q — What makes a man Shrotriya ?

A — By Shrutees ( Vedas).

Q — By what a person attains Mahat abode ?

A — By Penance.

Q — What makes a man " accompanied by second ? "

A — By Courage.

Q — What gives a man intelligence ?

A — Serving the elders.

Q — In Brahmins, what is divinity and what is human quality ? What is saintly practice and what is evil practice for them ?

A :— To learn Vedas is divinity, to perform penance .is saintliness, to sacrifice is their human quality and to blame others is evil for them.

Q :— What are similar qualities for Kshatriyas ?

A : For Kshatriyas, Archery is divinity, Yadnya is saintliness, Fear is their human quality and " Not to protect the poor " is evil for them.

Q. Who is dead though living, enjoying sense- perceptions, intelligent and respected by all ?

A :--- One who does not feed the angels and gods, the guests, the servants, the mother and father as also his own soul, is verily dead though breathing.

Q :— What is greater than the Earth ? Higher than the Sky ?

Faster than Wind and numerous than grass-blades ?

A :— Mother is greater than the Earth. Father is higher than the sky; Mind is faster than wind and worries are more numerous than blades of grass !

Q ;— Who is a friend to travellers in foreign countries ?

Who is a friend to house-dweller ?

Who is a friend to a sufferer and who is a friend to a man on death bed ? A :— Co-travellers are friends in foreign land, wife to the house-dweller, doctor to the sufferer and surely, ‘charity is the friend to the dying man.

Q :— Who is guest to all ? What is eternal religion ? What is nectar ? What is in short all this world ?

A :— Fire is guest to all. Unchangeable tenements of religion is the eternal religion, the cows milk is the nectar and this world, in short, is like wind.

Q — Who travels alone ?

A — The sun.

Q — Who is born again after once being born ?

A — The moon ?

Q — What is medicine for cold ?

A — Warmth of fire.

Q — Which is the largest place ?

A — The Earth.

Q — What are the main abodes of religion, success, heaven and happiness.

A — Carefulness, charity, thruth and culture (good morals) are the main abodes respectively. Q — What is the soul of man, friend of man, source of livelihood and his last resort ?

A :— Son is his soul, wife is the ordained friend and compa nion, the cloud is source of livelihood and Dana ( charity ) is his last resort.

Q :— What is best : (1) quality in auspicious persons, (2) possession, (3) benefit and (4) happiness ?

A :— Awareness is the best quality of auspicious persons, scientific knowledge is best possession; good health is best benefit and contenment is best happiness.

Q :— What is the highest religion in society ? What reli gion gives lasting benefit ? What thing if controlled, does not bring in sorrow ? Whose agreement remains valid ?

A :— Pity, the religion laid down in Vedas, the mind under control and agreement with gentleman are the answers to these four questions.

Q :— Giving up of what (1) makes a man popular ? (2) makes him self-contained, (3) makes him free from sorrow and (4) makes him happy ?

A :— Renounce conceit to become popular, desire for being self-contained, anger to be free of sorrow and envy for happiness. [ The questions asked by Yaksha to Yudhishthira (Dharma) regarding religious problems, are one of the salient features of Mahabharata. Here is given the short story with full list of the questions and answers, for the benefit of the readers of our Shri Sai Leela Magazine. —Editor ]After leaving Kamyaka forest, the Pandavas again returned to Dwaita forest. There, in order to catch a deer which had run away with the piece of wood used by a Brahmin in the sacrificial processes, and which was a necessity for him, the Pandavas, on being requested by him, took each his bow and arrow and went into deep forest. While traversing the length and breadth of the forest, they could not come upon the swiftest deer. Tired and thirsty, they searched for some water source. Dharma, resting under a tree with his brothers, sent Nakula to the lake which was seen from the tree-top. Nakula was to bring water for all the brothers. Proceeding to the precincts of the lake, he reached down for having a sip of the waters when from the space, a voice announced " Oh, Nakula ! Do not make haste. This lake is belonging to me. You have first to answer my questions fully and correctly and then only you can drink of these pure waters. " Nakula however neglected the warning and drank the water. No sooner did he take one sip, than he fell lifeless on the bank.After awaiting his return for some time, Dharma directed Sahadeva, Arjuna and Bheema by turns as the former did not return in time, but unfortunately, all the four brothers did not pay heed to the warning of Yaksha and all were dead.Dharma, waiting for long minutes, himself ran down to the lake and to his great sorrow, saw the bodies of his dear brothers lying motionless on the bank. He wondered and went nearer the bank. The Yakshas warning echoed again. " Oh Dharma ! I am a crane ! This is my lake. First answer my questions satisfactorily and take a sip, otherwise, be dead just as your brothers. "Dharma was knowing the nuances of religion. Before taking benefit of anybodys property, one has to fulfil certain conditions and take his permission. One cannot trespass and usurp anybody of his ownership or possession. Dharma was very polite, He said, " You do not seem to be a bird. You must be an angel of some high order like Rudra, Vasu or Marut (The angles of Fire, Earth or Air). Please let me have your Darshan. I will try to answer your questions according to my ability.Yaksha was waiting for such a man. He asked Dharma many questions and Dharma replied all :Yaksha-PrashnasQuestion : What makes the Sun rise ? Answer : Brahman. Q — Who are His companions ? A — Hosts of Devas. Q — Who makes the Sun set ? A — Dharma- The Universal Law. Q — In what is the Sun established ? A — In Truth. Q — What makes a man Shrotriya ? A — By Shrutees ( Vedas). Q — By what a person attains Mahat abode ? A — By Penance.Q — What makes a man " accompanied by second ? " A — By Courage. Q — What gives a man intelligence ? A — Serving the elders. Q — In Brahmins, what is divinity and what is human quality ? What is saintly practice and what is evil practice for them ? A :— To learn Vedas is divinity, to perform penance .is saintliness, to sacrifice is their human quality and to blame others is evil for them.Q :— What are similar qualities for Kshatriyas ?A : For Kshatriyas, Archery is divinity, Yadnya is saintliness, Fear is their human quality and " Not to protect the poor " is evil for them.Q. Who is dead though living, enjoying sense- perceptions, intelligent and respected by all ? A :--- One who does not feed the angels and gods, the guests, the servants, the mother and father as also his own soul, is verily dead though breathing. Q :— What is greater than the Earth ? Higher than the Sky ?Faster than Wind and numerous than grass-blades ? A :— Mother is greater than the Earth. Father is higher than the sky; Mind is faster than wind and worries are more numerous than blades of grass ! Q ;— Who is a friend to travellers in foreign countries ?Who is a friend to house-dweller ?Who is a friend to a sufferer and who is a friend to a man on death bed ? A :— Co-travellers are friends in foreign land, wife to the house-dweller, doctor to the sufferer and surely, ‘charity is the friend to the dying man. Q :— Who is guest to all ? What is eternal religion ? What is nectar ? What is in short all this world ? A :— Fire is guest to all. Unchangeable tenements of religion is the eternal religion, the cows milk is the nectar and this world, in short, is like wind. Q — Who travels alone ? A — The sun.Q — Who is born again after once being born ? A — The moon ? Q — What is medicine for cold ? A — Warmth of fire. Q — Which is the largest place ? A — The Earth. Q — What are the main abodes of religion, success, heaven and happiness. A — Carefulness, charity, thruth and culture (good morals) are the main abodes respectively. Q — What is the soul of man, friend of man, source of livelihood and his last resort ?A :— Son is his soul, wife is the ordained friend and compa nion, the cloud is source of livelihood and Dana ( charity ) is his last resort.Q :— What is best : (1) quality in auspicious persons, (2) possession, (3) benefit and (4) happiness ?A :— Awareness is the best quality of auspicious persons, scientific knowledge is best possession; good health is best benefit and contenment is best happiness.Q :— What is the highest religion in society ? What reli gion gives lasting benefit ? What thing if controlled, does not bring in sorrow ? Whose agreement remains valid ?A :— Pity, the religion laid down in Vedas, the mind under control and agreement with gentleman are the answers to these four questions.Q :— Giving up of what (1) makes a man popular ? (2) makes him self-contained, (3) makes him free from sorrow and (4) makes him happy ?A :— Renounce conceit to become popular, desire for being self-contained, anger to be free of sorrow and envy for happiness.
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How to Make a Telescope at Home

With a telescope like the one here described, made with his own hands, a farmer boy many years ago discovered a comet which had escaped the watchful eyes of many astronomers.
First, get two pieces of plate glass, 6 in. square and 1 in. thick, and break the corners off to make them round, grinding the rough edges on a grindstone.
Use a barrel to work on, and fasten one glass on the top of it in the center by driving three small nails at the sides to hold it in place. Fasten, with pitch, a round 4-in. block of wood in the center on one side of the other glass to serve as a handle.

Homemade Telescope

Use wet grain emery for coarse grinding. Take a pinch and spread it evenly on the glass which is on the barrel, then take the glass with the handle and move it back and forth across the lower glass, while walking around the barrel; also rotate the glass, which is necessary to make it grind evenly. The upper glass or speculum always becomes concave, and the under glass or tool convex.

Work with straight strokes 5 or 6 in. in length; after working 5 hours hold the speculum in the sunshine and throw the rays of the sun onto a paper; where the rays come to a point gives the focal length. If the glass is not ground enough to bring the rays to a point within 5 ft., the coarse grinding must be continued, unless a longer focal length is wanted.

Have ready six large dishes, then take 2 lb. flour emery and mix in 12 qt. of water; immediately turn the water into a clean dish and let settle 30 seconds; then turn it into another dish and let settle 2 minutes, then 8 minutes, 30 minutes and 90 minutes, being careful not to turn off the coarser emery which has settled. When dry, turn the emery from the 5 jars into 5 separate bottles, and label. Then take a little of the coarsest powder, wetting it to the consistency of cream, and spread on the glass, work as before (using short straight strokes 1-1/2 or 2 in.) until the holes in the glass left by the grain emery are ground out; next use the finer grades until the pits left by each coarser grade are ground out. When the two last grades are used shorten the strokes to less than 2 in. When done the glass should be semi-transparent, and is ready for polishing.

When polishing the speculum, paste a strip of paper 1-1/3 in. wide around the convex glass or tool, melt 1 lb. of pitch and turn on to it and press with the wet speculum. Mold the pitch while hot into squares of 1 in., with 1/4-in. spaces, as in Fig. 1. Then warm and press again with the speculum, being careful to have all the squares touch the speculum, or it will not polish evenly. Trim the paper from the edge with a sharp knife, and paint the squares separately with jewelers rouge, wet till soft like paint. Use a binger to spread it on with. Work the speculum over the tool the same as when grinding, using straight strokes 2 in. or less.

Detail of Telescope Construction

When the glass is polished enough to reflect some light, it should be tested with the knife-edge test. In a dark room, set the speculum against the wall, and a large lamp, L, Fig. 2, twice the focal length away. Place a large sheet of pasteboard, A, Fig. 2, with a small needle hole opposite the blaze, by the side of the lamp, so the light from the blaze will shine onto the glass. Place the speculum S, Fig. 2, so the rays from the needle hole will be thrown to the left side of the lamp (facing the speculum), with the knife mounted in a block of wood and edgeways to the lamp, as in K, Fig. 2. The knife should not be more than 6 in. from the lamp. Now move the knife across the rays from left to right, and look at the speculum with the eye on the right side of the blade. When the focus is found, if the speculum is ground and polished evenly it will darken evenly over the surface as the knife shuts off the light from the needle hole. If not, the speculum will show some dark rings, or hills. If the glass seems to have a deep hollow in the center, shorter strokes should be used in polishing; if a hill in the center, longer strokes. The polishing and testing done, the speculum is ready to be silvered. Two glass or earthenware dishes, large enough to hold the speculum and 2 in. deep, must be procured. With pitch, cement a strip of board 8 in. long to the back of the speculum, and lay the speculum face down in one of the dishes; fill the dish with distilled water, and clean the face of the speculum with nitric acid, until the water will stick to it in an unbroken film.

The recipe for silvering the speculum is:

    Solution A:
    Distilled water………………………..4 oz.
    Silver nitrate……………………….100 gr.

    Solution B:
    Distilled water………………………..4 oz.
    Caustic stick potash (pure by alcohol)….100 gr.

    Solution C:
    Aqua Ammonia.

    Solution D:
    Sugar loaf…………………………..840 gr.
    Nitric acid…………………………..39 gr.
    Alcohol (Pure)………………………..25 gr.

Mix solution D and make up to 25 fluid oz. with distilled water, pour into a bottle and carefully put away in a safe place for future use, as it works better when old:

Now take solution A and set aside in a small bottle one-tenth of it, and pour the rest into the empty dish; add the ammonia solution drop by drop; a dark brown precipitate will form and subside; stop adding ammonia solution as soon as the bath clears. Then add solution B, then ammonia until bath is clear. Now add enough of the solution A, that was set aside, to bring the bath to a warm saffron color without destroying its transparency. Then add 1 oz. of solution D and stir until bath grows dark. Place the speculum, face down, in the bath and leave until the silver rises, then raise the speculum and rinse with distilled water. The small flat mirror may be silvered the same way. When dry, the silver film may be polished with a piece of chamois skin, touched with rouge, the polishing being accomplished by means of a light spiral stroke.

Fig. 3 shows the position of the glasses in the tube, also how the rays R from a star are thrown to the eyepiece E in the side of the tube. Make the tube I of sheet iron, cover with paper and cloth, then paint to make a non-conductor of heat or cold. Make the mounting of good seasoned lumber.

Thus an excellent 6-in. telescope can be made at home, with an outlay of only a few dollars. My telescope is 64 in. long and cost me just $15, but I used all my spare time in one winter in making it. I first began studying the heavens through a spyglass, but an instrument such as I desired would cost $200—more than I could afford.
Then I made the one described, with which I discovered a new comet not before observed by astronomers.

Excerpt from the book:
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Marathi kavita english translatioin

A Gem is a Gem. to obtain it you have to dive deep in the ocean of thoughts and churn it. It is beyond the languages spoken but emanates from the heart. A small vision of marathi kavita and its translation is shared with.

The personas we long for
They never meet us

The person we donot long for
There company does not cease
The person whom we itch for visiting
Some how it does not materialize
The person we avoid visiting
We are compelled to visit him

Keep your energy/optimism high
Even if you stumble should never fall back
You should always move forward
Not to be afraid of public criticism
You should show your wisdom
You have to achieve a lot in life
You should aim to that goal
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